Dusk Somewhere

Recent posts

May 30, 2023
Cuba’s Struggle for the Full Dignity of the Human Being
Housing and the Cuban Revolution “In the first three years of the revolution, 1959-61, all measures were taken to disarticulate the capitalist system at its base.…
May 18, 2023
Jewishness Abstractly and Concretely
This is a follow-up to the post “Class and Race”. This post gives an example of the way ethnic groups can serve as particular instantiations of historical roles which occur abstractly.…
May 18, 2023
Will Socialism End Racism?
This is a follow-up to the post “Class and Race”. There is a common, overly-simplistic argument sometimes put forward by Marxists that “socialism” will necessarily entail the elimination of racism.…
May 18, 2023
Class and Race
This post has two follow-up posts: “Will Socialism End Racism?" and “Jewishness Abstractly and Concretely”. A friend asked me the others if I believe in the Marxist idea of class above all else.…
Apr 15, 2023
Skipping past the nasty part
Per Marx and Engels, every closed social order is doomed to one of two fates: Self-annihilation due to its own internal contradictions.…