Dusk Somewhere

Recent posts

Sep 16, 2022
Burritos and Distributed Domination in the App Era
I went to try the veggie burrito at Aliberto’s. It’s very good. While I was eating, a woman1 came in, went to the counter, and gave the details of the order she was picking up to the man behind the counter (Latin-American, native Spanish speaker).…
Sep 15, 2022
An honest techno-Utopianism
I just watched some of the videos of the talks from the “Schelling Point Conference”. These talks give a clear display of a current within the crypto/web3 space: techno-utopianism.…
Jul 16, 2022
Why “Socially Responsible Investing”, divestment campaings, and other schemes are doomed to fail
I recently read a blog post analyzing various purported “socially responsible investing” (SRI) products and showing how they were anything but.…
Mar 24, 2022
The 7 coordinates of human society
There is a nice idea – which I learned from the work of David Harvey (or in podcast form) – of analyzing society in terms of a number of “moments”, or aspects of society at a given moment in time.…
Feb 8, 2022
The capitalist class is not the primary enemy
A lot of socialist rhetoric focuses on framing the capitalist class as the primary enemy of socialists and of the working class.…