Dusk Somewhere

Recent posts

Apr 10, 2023
Breakdown as a law of physics
Crisis is endemic to capitalism, but in fact it is endemic to all organisms (i.e., patterns of matter apparently being driven through time by a logic other than that of matter itself).…
Mar 9, 2023
What is nature?
On one level, there is no real separation between humanity and the rest of the natural world. We are animals, we interact with and exchange energy with other species, etc.…
Mar 8, 2023
Punting on the core contradictions
Capital has two core contradictions, or incompatibilities, with the world it exists within: The contradiction with human nature: the class divide which sees some exploited, made to suffer, deprived materially and spiritually of their natural human right to autonomy; others drowning in spoils but experiencing (consciously as guilt, or subconsciously as rage or self-righteousness) the cruelty which their comfort is built upon.…
Jan 12, 2023
Life on the Virtual Commune
The following is written as a sort of near future sci-fi short story, to illustrate life in a virtual commune.…
Jan 12, 2023
Class Struggle Voltron: Let’s invent new organizational forms
This post proposes a new organizational form called a “virtual commune”. If you want to jump right into what that form could look like in practice, check out this post.…